
Welcome to my Religious Education Synthesis blog.

The blog is organized into pages that describe the introductory materials and the main roles of a Religious Educator. The introductory material are posted below on this page. The mani Roles are: (1) Christian Apologist, (2) Pastor-Teacher, (3) Servant-Leader, (4) Reflective Researcher, (5) Maturing Christian, (6) Lifelong Scholar. Under each role, I provide the description of the role competencies, my journey (knowledge, skills & behaviors, values, attitudes and commitments) through the role, and sampled artifacts showing how I have been living what I learn.The last part of the portfolio, "Discipled-Discipler,"describes my area of emphasis.
As you join me to explore my religious education journey, my prayer is that you will also be inspired to join the growing team of God's children who are prepared to take up the teaching and discipling mandate of the Gospel Commission.


The Portfolio in brief (a PPT-Presentation)

A Philosophical Framework For Graduate Studies Though Christian Education

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